About the Seminar

We are in a day when God is speaking to His Global Church. At the same time, the earth is gripped by unprecedented challenges. Social, economic, political, ethical and leadership crises are shaking organizations, countries and entire regions. 

Now more than ever there is an urgent need to build strong churches with leadership capable of powerfully advancing the purposes of God and strengthening the Body of Christ.

Noel Woodroffe, founder of Congress WBN, invites you to come gain new understanding of the move of God currently sweeping the earth at this unique seminar: "The Apostolic Reformation Today - Building a Mature Church for God's Final Purposes." God is looking for a new quality of leadership relevant to the current times.

Venue: Fleming’s Conference Hotel, Elbinger Straße 1-3, 60487 Frankfurt am Main

Dates: Friday May 20, 2016 (11:00 am) to Saturday May 21, 2016 (5:30 pm)

Registration fee: €30 per person / €50 per couple

Email address: engagegermany@congressmail.com

Telephone: 0049 175 3737392 | 0049 151 70378604


Staying Overnight at Conference Hotel

Email: reservation.fra.conference@flemings-hotels.com

Telephone: 0049 69 37003300

Reference: Congress WBN

Overnight accomodation including breakfast: 89,00 Euro per person; 102,00 Euro per couple



Dr. Noel Woodroffe is the Founder and President of Congress WBN (C-WBN) and the Kingdom Community Network (KCN), a global network of thousands of church communities. For over three decades, he has been building churches and strengthening leaders around the world.  

He is the Senior Elder of Elijah Centre, a church community with headquarters in Trinidad and Tobago and centers in 17 cities around the world. He is married to June, his wife of 40 years, and has three daughters.



Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organisation committed to implementing God's purpose. It maintains a major administrative hub in the UK.

Congress WBN membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.