9:30 AM09:30

Tulsa Engagement Interaction

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Steve Schultz Regional Coordinator for North America will be hosting a Leadership Development seminar in Tulsa, OK. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

Date: Saturday, April 14th

Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

Venue: Conference Room, First Bank of Owasso, 8601 N. Garnett Rd., Owasso, OK 74055

Registration: Free (Lunch included)

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9:00 AM09:00

Guadeloupe Engagement Interaction

  • 24 Rue Ferdinand Forest 97122 Baie Mahault Guadeloupe (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Congress WBN organise des séminaires particuliers de Développement de Leadership dans différentes parties du monde. Ces séminaires sont conçus pour donner aux leaders d’églises et à leurs équipes de leadership une compréhension plus complète de l’architecture spirituelle et de modèles spirituels pour une construction réussie de l’église et du leadership.

Anaclet Antoine, Coordonnateur Régional pour les Territoires Francophones du Congress WBN, conduira un Séminaire de Développement du leadership en Guadeloupe le 02 Décembre 2017. Nous vous faisons part d’une invitation spéciale pour que vous et votre équipe de leadership y participiez.

Ce Séminaire de Développement du Leadership est une expression de l’amour du C-WBN pour le Corps de Christ et notre profond désir de voir tous les leaders pleinement équipés afin de bâtir de profondes communautés spirituelles capables d’exprimer et représenter les buts et la puissance du Seigneur dans le tumulte des temps actuels.

Date : Samedi, 02 Décembre, 2017

Horaires : 09:00 à 17:00

Lieu: 24 Rue Ferdinand Forest (Contourner Magasin ANTIDOTE), ZI Jarry, 97122 Baie Mahault

Contact: Alain Kouppe de K Martin 0696 45 14 80, David Echard 0690 96 40 40, Miguel Marie-Sainte 0690 16 70 80

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8:30 AM08:30

Chaguanas Engagement Interaction

  • Inheritance International Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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There is no doubt that we are living in increasingly dark times. The earth is in a state of crisis and the increase of darkness is easily detectable in the many leadership collapses, political upheavals, economic and natural disasters and general moral decay in society. The world’s leaders are without answers but it is in this context that the leaders of God’s people are expected to build strong prevailing church communities.

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Steve Aleong, Regional Coordination for Trinidad and Tobago in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Chaguanas on December 02, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, December 02, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Venue: L.P. 5 Inheritance Drive, Longdenville Main Road, Chaguanas, Trinidad

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9:00 AM09:00

French Guiana Engagement Interaction

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Congress WBN organise des séminaires particuliers de Développement de Leadership dans différentes parties du monde. Ces séminaires sont conçus pour donner aux leaders d’églises et à leurs équipes de leadership une compréhension plus complète de l’architecture spirituelle et de modèles spirituels pour une construction réussie de l’église et du leadership.

Anaclet Antoine, Coordonnateur Régional pour les Territoires Francophones du Congress WBN, conduira un Séminaire de Développement du leadership en Guyane le 25 Novembre 2017. Nous vous faisons part d’une invitation spéciale pour que vous et votre équipe de leadership y participiez.

Ce Séminaire de Développement du Leadership est une expression de l’amour du C-WBN pour le Corps de Christ et notre profond désir de voir tous les leaders pleinement équipés afin de bâtir de profondes communautés spirituelles capables d’exprimer et représenter les buts et la puissance du Seigneur dans le tumulte des temps actuels.

Date : Samedi, 25 Novembre, 2017

Horaires : 09:00 à 17:00

Lieu: Hôtel Amazonie, 28 Rue Avenue Général de Gaule – Salle Ambiance

Contact: Jean-Pierre Malborough 0694 26 64 24

A propos du congress wbn

Le Congress WBN est une organisation globale basée sur la foi, engagée à implémenter la parole de Dieu. Avec sa base principale à Trinidad et Tobago et à Londres, Royaume-Uni, les opérations diverses du Congress WBN sont basées sur les valeurs telles que l’intégrité, l’humilité, le leadership à travers la posture du service, l’excellence et l’accomplissement à travers le sacrifice. Les membres s’étendent à travers des réseaux globaux de jeunes professionnels, d’institutions éducationnelles, d’affaires, d’églises, de leaders nationaux et d’étudiants en université. Ses activités couvrent un rang d’initiatives de développement humain et national basés sur les valeurs dans plus de 100 nations.

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8:30 AM08:30

Belize Engagement Interaction

  • Cahal Pech Room, Radisson Ft. George Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Engagement II Registration Banner_web.png

Dr. Noel Woodroffe, President of Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development seminar in Belize City on November 25th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 


Date: Saturday, November 25, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 5:00pm

Venue: Cahal Pech Room, Radisson Ft. George Hotel, 2 Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize

Conference Registration: $15 (registration includes lunch) 


Dr. Noel Woodroffe is the Founder and President of Congress WBN (C-WBN) and the Kingdom Community Network (KCN), a global network of thousands of church communities. For over three decades, he has been building churches and strengthening leaders around the world.  

He is the Senior Elder of Elijah Centre, a church community with headquarters in Trinidad and Tobago and centers in 17 cities around the world. He is married to June, his wife of 40 years, and has three daughters.


Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organisation committed to implementing God's purpose. With primary bases in Trinidad and Tobago and London, UK, Congress WBN’s diverse global operations are based on values such as integrity, humility, leadership through servant -hood, excellence and achievement through sacrifice. Membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.

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8:30 AM08:30

Tobago Engagement Interaction

  • Praise Centre Resource Facility (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Engagement II Registration Banner_web.png

There is no doubt that we are living in increasingly dark times. The earth is in a state of crisis and the increase of darkness is easily detectable in the many leadership collapses, political upheavals, economic and natural disasters and general moral decay in society. The world’s leaders are without answers but it is in this context that the leaders of God’s people are expected to build strong prevailing church communities.

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Steve Aleong, Regional Coordination for Trinidad and Tobago in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Tobago on November 18, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, November 18, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Venue: Praise Centre Resource Facility, Bamboo Road, Hampden, Lowlands, Tobago

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8:30 AM08:30

Siparia Engagement Interaction

  • Destiny Life Centre Resource Facility (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Engagement II Registration Banner_web.png

There is no doubt that we are living in increasingly dark times. The earth is in a state of crisis and the increase of darkness is easily detectable in the many leadership collapses, political upheavals, economic and natural disasters and general moral decay in society. The world’s leaders are without answers but it is in this context that the leaders of God’s people are expected to build strong prevailing church communities.

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Steve Aleong, Regional Coordination for Trinidad and Tobago in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Siparia on November 11, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Venue: Destiny Life Centre Resource Facility, #38 De Gannes Village, Siparia, Trinidad

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9:00 AM09:00

Lahore Engagement Interaction

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Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world. These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Nelson Negi, Regional Coordinator for India and the Far East in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Lahore on October 28th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, October 28th, 2017

Meeting Times: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Venue: Ambassador Hotel Lahore, 7 Davis Road, Lahore, Pakistan

Event contact number: 659622099



Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organisation committed to implementing God's purpose. With primary bases in Trinidad and Tobago and London, UK, Congress WBN’s diverse global operations are based on values such as integrity, humility, leadership through servant -hood, excellence and achievement through sacrifice. Membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.

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8:30 AM08:30

Mauritius Engagement Interaction

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Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world. These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend a Leadership Development Seminar under the theme, "Engaging the Body of Christ".  This seminar takes place on the 28th October 2017 at J&J Hall, Phoenix, from 08h30 – 16h30.

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

For further information please contact the below numbers or email address.

Pastor Paul Chenney: Tel 5728 3242

Pastor Jean Wan: Tel 5808 1305

Pastor Govind Perianen: Tel: 5724 3737

Pastor Patrick Beesoo: Tel: 5727 4425

Pastor Jean Claude Vadamootoo: Tel 5707 4425

You can also write us at: engagemauritius@congressmail.com

Complementary refreshments and lunch will be served. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.



Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organisation committed to implementing God's purpose. With primary bases in Trinidad and Tobago and London, UK, Congress WBN’s diverse global operations are based on values such as integrity, humility, leadership through servant -hood, excellence and achievement through sacrifice. Membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.

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9:00 AM09:00

Singapore Engagement Interaction

Engagement II Registration Banner_web.png

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world. These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Nelson Negi, Regional Coordinator for India and the Far East in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Singapore on October 21st, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, October 21st, 2017

Meeting Times: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Venue: Primz Bizhub 21, Woodlands Close #03-29, Singapore

Event contact number: 96220999



Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organisation committed to implementing God's purpose. With primary bases in Trinidad and Tobago and London, UK, Congress WBN’s diverse global operations are based on values such as integrity, humility, leadership through servant -hood, excellence and achievement through sacrifice. Membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.


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10:30 PM22:30

Fullerton Engagement Interaction

  • Hope International University - Room #205 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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Congress WBN invites all church leaders and their spouses to attend this leadership seminar entitled, “Engaging the Body of Christ.” These seminars are a time for a new release of energy and grace from God into every dimension of life - personal, family, and church.

Date: Saturday, October 28th, 2017

Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 

Venue: Hope International University - Room #205, 2500 Nutwood Avenue, Fullerton, CA

Registration: $20.00



Dr. Noel Woodroffe is the Founder and President of Congress WBN (C-WBN) and the Kingdom Community Network (KCN), a global apostolic network of more than 12,000 church communities in over 105 nations. 

He is also the Senior Elder of Elijah Centre, a church community with headquarters in Trinidad and Tobago and centers in over 10 cities around the world. For over three decades, Dr. Woodroffe has been building and strengthening church leaders and ministering to the Body of Christ. 


Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organisation committed to implementing God's purpose. With primary bases in Trinidad and Tobago and London, UK, Congress WBN’s diverse global operations are based on values such as integrity, humility, leadership through servant -hood, excellence and achievement through sacrifice. Membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.


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9:00 AM09:00

Myanmar Engagement Interaction

  • No.163-165 Pyay Chanthar Road, Block 48, N.Dagon Yangon Myanmar (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Engagement II Registration Banner_web.png

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world. These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Nelson Negi, Regional Coordinator for India and the Far East in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Yangon on October 14th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, October 14th, 2017

Meeting Times: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Venue: No.163-165 Pyay Chanthar Road, Block 48, N.Dagon, Yangon, Myanmar

Event contact number: 959778165248

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8:00 AM08:00

Arima Engagement Interaction

  • New King of Kings Life Centre Facility (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Steve Aleong, Regional Coordination for Trinidad and Tobago in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Arima on September 23rd, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, September 23rd, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Venue: New King of Kings Life Centre Facility, Cor. Beckles Lane & Eastern Main Road, Arima, Trinidad

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9:30 AM09:30

New York Engagement Interaction

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We are in a day when God is speaking to His Global Church. At the same time, the earth is gripped by unprecedented challenges. Social, economic, political, ethical and leadership crisis are shaking organizations, countries and entire regions. Many believers are searching for solutions and crying out for answers.

This empowering one-day seminar will present a practical, present-truth look at what God is doing in the earth today, to strengthen the Body of Christ and mature His Church in our day. Thousands of leaders around the world have attended this seminar and it is now arriving in North America.

It is time for the release of energy and grace from God in every dimension of life - personal, family and church. It is time for the light of God to arise and shine! Come be edified and equipped to develop strong leaders and effective churches!  

Date: Saturday, September 18th, 2017

Time: 9:30AM

Venue: Hilton New York, JFK Airport, 144-02 135th Avenue, Jamaica NY, 11436

Registration: Free

Lunch: Provided

Parking: Available

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9:00 AM09:00

Martinique Engagement Interaction

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Dr. Noël Woodroffe, fondateur du Congress WBN, vous invite à une nouvelle compréhension du mouvement de Dieu qui parcourt actuellement la terre. Venez redynamiser votre sentiment d'appel à un séminaire unique appelé"Engager le Corps de Christ".

Nous sommes dans un jour où Dieu parle à Son Eglise Globale. Au même moment, la terre fait face à des défis sans précédent. Des crises sociales, économiques, politiques, éthiques et de leadership bouleversent les entreprises, les pays et des régions entières.

Beaucoup cherchent des solutions et pleurent pour des réponses. Maintenant plus que jamais, il y a un besoin urgent de bâtir des communautés d'églises fortes avec un leadership capable de faire avancer puissamment les buts de Dieu et de fortifier le Corps de Christ.

  • Date: Samedi 09 septembre 2017
  • Horaire: de 09:00 à 17:30
  • Lieu: Centre Apostolique Impact, Zac de Rivière Roches, Fort-de-France, Batiment D2, Deuxième Etage, Martinique
  • Participation: Gratuite avec Inscription Préalable (places limitées)
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8:30 AM08:30

Dubai Engagement Interaction

The President and Founder of Congress-WBN, Dr Noel Woodroffe, invites you to a special Leadership Seminar under the theme, "Engaging the Body of Christ".  This seminar takes place on the 22nd July, 2017 at JW Marriott Hotel, Abu Baker Al Siddique Rd, Deira - Dubai, from 8:30am - 5:00pm.

This special invitation is to all church leaders and their spouses to come be edified and equipped to develop strong leaders and effective church communities. It is time for a new release of energy and grace from God in every dimension of life - personal, family and church. It is time for the light of God to arise and shine!

To confirm your participation, please register online by clicking register button below:

Complementary refreshments and lunch will be served. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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9:00 AM09:00

Anguilla Engagement Interaction

  • Meeting Room # 1, Saint James School of Medicine Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The President and Founder of Congress-WBN, Dr. Noel Woodroffe, invites you to a special Leadership Seminar under the theme, "Engaging the Body of Christ".  This seminar takes place on the 24th June, 2017 at Meeting Room # 1, Saint James School of Medicine Campus Albert Lake Drive, Upper Quarter, Anguilla, from 9:00am - 5:00pm.

This special invitation is to all church leaders and their spouses to come be edified and equipped to develop strong leaders and effective church communities. It is time for a new release of energy and grace from God in every dimension of life - personal, family and church. It is time for the light of God to arise and shine!

Date:                    Saturday 24th June 2017

Venue:                 Meeting Room # 1, Saint James School of Medicine Campus Albert Lake Drive, Upper Quarter, Anguilla

Meeting Times:   9:00am - 5:00pm

Registration:       US$25.00 per person (which also covers refreshments)  

For further information please contact us on: 264 235 5787 / 264 235 7805 or email: ricardo.jeremiah@kcnetwork.org.  

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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8:30 AM08:30

Belmopan City Engagement Interaction

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Christopher Berkeley, Regional Coordination for Belize and Guatemala in Congress WBN will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Belmopan City on June 24th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Belmopan City

Date: Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 5:00pm

Venue: George Price Centre, Price Centre Road, Belmopan, Belize

Conference Registration: $15 (Registration includes lunch) 


About Congress WBN

Congress WBN is a global, faith-based organization committed to implementing God's purpose. With primary bases in Trinidad and Tobago and London, UK, Congress WBN’s diverse global operations are based on values such as integrity, humility, leadership through servant -hood, excellence and achievement through sacrifice. Membership spans global networks of professional groups, educational institutions, businesses, churches, individual national leaders and university students. Its activities span a range of values-based national and human development initiatives in over 100 nations.

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8:30 AM08:30

Chaguanas Engagement Interaction

  • Inheritance International Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Steve Aleong, Regional Coordination for Trinidad and Tobago in Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development Seminar in Chaguanas on June 24th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

This Leadership Development Seminar is an expression of C-WBN’s love for the Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all leaders fully equipped to build powerful spiritual communities capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age. 

Date: Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Venue: Inheritance International Centre, LP#5 Inheritance Drive, Longdenville, Chaguanas, Trinidad

Registration: $50 per person

For further information please contact:

  •  Steve Aleong on 718-2132

  •  Wayne Brown on 797-3983  

  •  Eric Dillon on 756-9816

  •  Nolasco Liverpool on 299-8908. 

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8:30 AM08:30

Montego Bay Engagement Interaction

  • St. John’s Methodist Community Action Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The President and Founder of Congress-WBN, Dr Noel Woodroffe, invites you to a special Leadership Seminar under the theme, "Engaging the Body of Christ".  This seminar takes place on the 24th June, 2017 at St. John’s Methodist Community Action Centre, 2 Duke Street, (Corner of Humber Ave & Duke Street), Montego Bay, from 8:30am - 5:00pm.

This special invitation is to all church leaders and their spouses to come be edified and equipped to develop strong leaders and effective church communities. It is time for a new release of energy and grace from God in every dimension of life - personal, family and church. It is time for the light of God to arise and shine!

To confirm your participation, please register online by clicking register button below:

Date:                    Saturday 24th June 2017

Venue:                 St. John’s Methodist Community Action Centre, 2 Duke Street, (Corner of Humber Ave & Duke Street)

Meeting Times:   8:30am - 5:00pm

Registration:       Complementary refreshments and lunch will be served. 

For further information please contact us on: 876 974 8616 / 876 578 5492 / 876 578 5913 or email: wesley.boynes@congresscore.se

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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9:00 AM09:00

Antigua Engagement Interaction

The President and Founder of Congress-WBN, Dr Noel Woodroffe, invites you to a special Leadership Seminar under the theme, "Engaging the Body of Christ".  This seminar takes place on the 17th June, 2017 at Precision Centre, Paynter's Industrial Park, St. John's, Antigua, from 9:00am - 5:00pm.

This special invitation is to all church leaders and their spouses to come be edified and equipped to develop strong leaders and effective church communities. It is time for a new release of energy and grace from God in every dimension of life - personal, family and church. It is time for the light of God to arise and shine!

To confirm your participation, please register online by clicking register button below:

Date:                    Saturday 17th June 2017

Venue:                 Precision Centre, Paynter's Industrial Park, St. John's, Antigua

Meeting Times:   9:00am - 5:00pm

Registration:       Complementary refreshments and lunch will be served. 

For further information please contact us on: 268 725 8742 / 268 720 3827 or email: office@precisioncentre.org

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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8:30 AM08:30

Montego Bay Engagement Interaction

  • St John's Methodist Community Action Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wingrove Spencer, Regional Coordinator for the Northern Caribbean Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development seminar in Montego Bay, Jamaica June 17th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.    

  • Date: Saturday, June 17th, 2017
  • Meeting Times: 8:30AM to 5:00PM
  • Venue: St John's Methodist Community Action Centre , 2 Duke Street (Corner of Humber Ave and Duke Street), Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • Conference Registration: Free of cost (Registration includes Lunch)

For further information please contact us on: 876 974 8616 / 876 578 5492 / 876 578 5913 or email: wesley.boynes@congresscore.se. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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9:00 AM09:00

Nevis Engagement Interaction

Wingrove Spencer, Regional Coordinator for the Northern Caribbean Congress WBN will be hosting a Leadership Development seminar in Charlestown, Nevis June 15th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.    


  • Date: Thursday, June 15th, 2017
  • Meeting Times: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Venue: Occasions Building, Bypass Rd., Pinneys, Nevis
  • Conference Registration: Free of cost (Registration includes Lunch)

For further information please contact us on: 869 763 5893 / 869 762 2123 or email: joseph.morton@congresscore.se. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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9:00 AM09:00

St. Kitts Engagement Interaction

Wingrove Spencer, Regional Coordinator for the Northern Caribbean, Congress WBN, will be hosting a Leadership Development seminar in Basseterre, St. Kitts June 14th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.    

  • Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 2017
  • Meeting Times: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Venue: #115 OOJJ's Commercial Complex, Buckley's, St. Kitts
  • Conference Registration: Free of cost (Registration includes Lunch)

For further information please contact us on: 869 662 4978 / 869 760 8909 or email: joel.morton@congresscore.se. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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9:00 AM09:00

Dominica Engagement Interaction

The President and Founder of Congress-WBN, Dr Noel Woodroffe, invites you to a special Leadership Seminar under the theme, "Engaging the Body of Christ".  This seminar takes place on the 12th June, 2017 at the Garraway Hotel, Conference Room, 1 Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Blvd, Roseau, Dominica, from 9:00am - 5:00pm.

This special invitation is to all church leaders and their spouses to come be edified and equipped to develop strong leaders and effective church communities. It is time for a new release of energy and grace from God in every dimension of life - personal, family and church. It is time for the light of God to arise and shine!

To confirm your participation, please register online by clicking register button below:

For further information please contact us on: 767 616 0317 or email phillip.carlisle@congresscore.se. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your participation in Engaging the Body of Christ for 2017.

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9:00 AM09:00

Barbados Engagement Interaction

Dr. Noel Woodroffe, President of Congress WBN will be hosting a 1-day Engagement Interaction at the Radisson Aquatica Resort on May 27, 2017 from 9:00 – 5:00 PM. We welcome your presence for this interaction and also encourage you to invite members of your leadership team to attend this insightful and highly impartational spiritual experience. 

Date:                   Saturday 27th May 2017

Venue:                Radisson Resort,  Aquatic Gap, Carlisle Bay, Bridgetown, BARBADOS

Meeting Times:   9:00AM - 5:00PM

Registration:       $50.00 BDS (Lunch is included)

These Engagement meetings are an expression of C-WBN's love for the general Body of Christ and our deep desire to see all pastors and leaders fully equipped to build successful and powerful churches capable of expressing and representing the purpose and power of the Lord in the tumult of the present age.

For More Information Call: + or 242.8633

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8:30 AM08:30

Belize Engagement Interaction

Engagement II Registration Banner_web.png

Congress WBN has been hosting special Leadership Development seminars in different parts of the world.  These seminars are designed to provide church leaders and their leadership teams with a more complete understanding of the spiritual architecture and biblical patterns for successful church building and leadership.

Christopher Berkeley, Regional Coordination for Belize and Guatemala in Congress WBN will be hosting a Leadership Development seminar in Corozal May 27th, 2017. A special invitation is extended to you and your leadership team to attend.  

Date: Saturday, May 27, 2017 

Meeting Times: 8:30 am to 5:00pm 

Venue: ITVET, Santa Rita Height, Corozal, Belize 

Conference Registration: Free of cost (Registration includes lunch)  

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8:30 AM08:30

Burkina Faso Engagement Interaction

Dr. Noël Woodroffe, fondateur du Congress WBN, vous invite à une nouvelle compréhension du mouvement de Dieu qui parcourt actuellement la terre. Venez redynamiser votre sentiment d'appel à un séminaire unique appelé "Engager le Corps de Christ".

Nous sommes dans un jour où Dieu parle à Son Eglise Globale. Au même moment, la terre fait face à des défis sans précédent. Des crises sociales, économiques, politiques, éthiques et de leadership bouleversent les entreprises, les pays et des régions entières.

Beaucoup cherchent des solutions et pleurent pour des réponses. Maintenant plus que jamais, il y a un besoin urgent de bâtir des communautés d'églises fortes avec un leadership capable de faire avancer puissamment les buts de Dieu et de fortifier le Corps de Christ.

  • Date: Mercredi 24 Mai 2017
  • Horaire: de 08:30 à 17:00
  • Lieu: Ran Hôtel Somketa, Avenue de la Nation, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • Coût: Gratuit avec inscription préalable (places limitées)

Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez aussi nous contacter par email: engageburkinafaso@congressmail.com.

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9:00 AM09:00

Togo Engagement Interaction

Dr. Noël Woodroffe, fondateur du Congress WBN, vous invite à une nouvelle compréhension du mouvement de Dieu qui parcourt actuellement la terre. Venez redynamiser votre sentiment d'appel à un séminaire unique appelé "Engager le Corps de Christ".

Nous sommes dans un jour où Dieu parle à Son Eglise Globale. Au même moment, la terre fait face à des défis sans précédent. Des crises sociales, économiques, politiques, éthiques et de leadership bouleversent les entreprises, les pays et des régions entières.

Beaucoup cherchent des solutions et pleurent pour des réponses. Maintenant plus que jamais, il y a un besoin urgent de bâtir des communautés d'églises fortes avec un leadership capable de faire avancer puissamment les buts de Dieu et de fortifier le Corps de Christ.

  • Date: Lundi 22 Mai 2017
  • Horaire: de 09:00 à 17:00
  • Lieu: Palais des Congrès, Lome, Togo
  • Coût: Gratuit avec inscription préalable (places limitées)

Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez aussi nous contacter par email: tete.benissan@congresscore.se.

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9:00 AM09:00

Brazzaville Engagement Interaction

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Dr. Noël Woodroffe, fondateur du Congress WBN, vous invite à une nouvelle compréhension du mouvement de Dieu qui parcourt actuellement la terre. Venez redynamiser votre sentiment d'appel à un séminaire unique appelé "Engager le Corps de Christ".

Nous sommes dans un jour où Dieu parle à Son Eglise Globale. Au même moment, la terre fait face à des défis sans précédent. Des crises sociales, économiques, politiques, éthiques et de leadership bouleversent les entreprises, les pays et des régions entières.

Beaucoup cherchent des solutions et pleurent pour des réponses. Maintenant plus que jamais, il y a un besoin urgent de bâtir des communautés d'églises fortes avec un leadership capable de faire avancer puissamment les buts de Dieu et de fortifier le Corps de Christ.

  • Date: Samedi 20 Mai 2017
  • Horaire: de 09:00 à 17:30
  • Lieu: Salle des Conférences Internationales du Palais des Congrès, Boulevard Alfred Raoul (en face du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères), Brazzaville
  • Coût: Gratuit avec inscription préalable (places limitées)

Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez aussi nous contacter par email: engagebrazzaville@congressmail.com.

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